Thank you for enthusiastically participating in the LO Community Treasure Hunt. These are the reposting of clues for the turtles that haven't been found. Rain Spark Gallery wishes you a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for visiting the Rain Spark Gallery at the Lakewood Center for the Arts.
Clue for Ornament #4
Our turtle likes the kiosk of wood in the winter rain.
There are hard slats or the gravel trail mileage to gain.
He finds a hidden bridge and a child near the rail.
The stream and fast water makes him happy without fail.
Clue for Ornament #7
At the end of a point is this little park.
Our miraculous turtle goes jogging on a lark.
Somehow he crawls down steps to a stage
And dances near water as the twilight fades.
Clue for Ornament #9
Not a ferry named after a Boone but a small way.
Our turtle loves to step on the gravel trails in the day.
After someone with a writing tool this park is named
And there's a bench or two to sit where the walk is aimed.
Clue for Ornament #22
Beneath the willows where the shadows creep,
A blue and white turtle awaits where the waters leap.
Near country club greens where the fairways bend,
In Iron Mountain Creek, your search will end.
Clue for Ornament #24
By a favorite Parkway, where the trees sway,
Your treasure awaits at the end of the day.
It's not actually brown, it's not actually a bay,
But when caring for your animals, it's all play!
Clue for Ornament #32
On a street every city has you must be,
With lots of swirling color you will see...
Objects that brighten, sparkle and absolutely gleam,
Find that elusive turtle, it's not just a dream.
Clue for Ornament #34
In our hidden cellar fine wines are aging,
Plus the holiday orders we are staging.
There are sips for everyday or special occasions.
Our knowledge creates great pairing equations.
Clue for Ornament #35
There's an art of style in high fashion.
Beautiful clothing is our passion.
So, come on by and take a long peek.
Find a turtle too, if that's what you seek.